Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust


25JUNGold Award

Praise has been heaped on staff and pupils at Pilgrim Academy after it was ... Read More

17JUNPilgrim Academy children marked the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

Children marked the 80th Anniversary of D-Day with lots of activities. Read More

28MARYear 5’s Bikeability

Year 5’s took part in the Bikeability scheme delivered by Lincs Inspire. Read More

19MARPilgrim Academy PTA

Enthusiastic parents and staff have formed Pilgrim Academy Parent Teacher A... Read More

4MAROlympic Athletes

World class stars from athletics hoping to represent Great Britain at the O... Read More

21FEBReading Challenge!

Children across all year groups at Pilgrim Academy took part in the Reading... Read More

20FEBPaws and Read

Bella the Therapy Dog visits children at Pilgrim Academy every week. Read More

9FEBA woodland adventure!

Children from Frogs class at Pilgrim Academy ventured to Bradley Woods to s... Read More

29JANThe Big Garden Birdwatch

Children at Pilgrim Academy took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this... Read More

12JANEarly Years Expansion

We have now opened our brand-new Early Years Learning Environment. Read More

21DECChristingle Services with Reverend Julie

Pilgrim Academy have spent time creating and learning about Christingles. Read More

18DECNo One Wraps Like An Elf

Pilgrim Academy were proud to present their Year 5 and 6s play for the Chri... Read More

26OCTHarvest Festival celebrations!

As part of Harvest Festival celebrations, the children took part in a whole... Read More

25JULOlympic medallist inspires future gymnasts

Pilgrim Academy were visited by an Olympic medal winner this week. Read More

7JUNBeach Clean Up with Ebb and Flo

River of Resilience have visited our local beach to carry out a beach clean... Read More

23MAYAcademy welcome visitors from Königswinter

Pilgrim Academy received a very special visit. Read More

5MAYI Sing Pop

Pupils at Pilgrim Academy were visited by I Sing Pop. Read More

21APRMayoral donation towards school garden

Mayor of North East Lincolnshire, Cllr Steve Beasant offered to donate £25... Read More

6APRChildren's Mental Health Week

'Place2Be Children's Mental Health Week’, shines a spotlight on the impor... Read More

4APRTrip to Wilberforce College

Key Stage 2 visit Wilberforce College to learn about water and flooding. Read More