Vision & Values
We decided on our core values by liaising with staff and pupils to consider the areas that we felt should be our daily focus across different aspects of Pilgrim Academy: Courage, kindness and respect underpins everything we all feel is important.
Courage: Every child knows that they can achieve anything if they have knowledge and self-belief and challenge themselves to be resilient thinkers and apply themselves to their full potential.
Kindness: Every child develops understanding and empathy for others and the world that we live in.
Respect: Every child understands how to be a responsible and thoughtful member of the school and wider community.

What are our ultimate goals?
Our vision and values are linked explicitly to our curriculum which has been organised to inspire and challenge all learners, aspiring to be ambitious, broad and balanced. It is our aim that all children will be provided with wider opportunities to develop life-long learning skills and develop their own interests to succeed in the future.

The curriculum is organised to provide students with deep knowledge and skills to achieve cultural capital and success in life. Our aim is to:
- Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils;
- Ensure the curriculum is accessible for all pupils, considering all ability ranges;
- Provide pupils with the ability to develop a deep learning of knowledge and the mechanisms for retrieving and applying knowledge.
- Inspire and challenge all learners to aspire to high achievement;
- Ensure pupils' knowledge is fully developed to support their social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness to promote diversity and key values;
- Develop pupils who are tolerant, respectful and understanding;
- Provide equal opportunities for all pupils, with high expectations for every learner ensuring appropriate levels of challenge and support;
- Develop key skills such as teamwork; independence, resilience; responsibility; and communication;
- Ensure pupils have a wide knowledge of career opportunities in a local and wider national context;
- Provide pupils with leadership opportunities to develop strength of character and self-confidence;
- Ensure pupils' have wider opportunities to develop an interest and fascination in subjects and topics that interest them or that might interest them;
- Consider barriers to learning, linked to the local context and the circumstances faced by individual students;
- Promote an awareness of key issues such as healthy living; democracy and national and international events.

Ultimately, our vision is to fully prepare pupils for their secondary education and the world beyond, supporting them to be kind, respectful and courageous in everything they do.