'The 12 Days of Christmas' By Pilgrim Academy
Unfortunately, due the current Covid crisis, we have not been able to welcome you to watch our normal Christmas performances. However, we have been working hard behind the scenes to try and provide you with some festive fun and entertainment. Over the last few weeks, the children and staff have been working within their bubbles to make some recordings for you. Some of these will be found later in this News section; others, will be placed on Frog, our on-line learning platform.
We wanted to try and put one ‘joint’ musical number together, so we have had a go with the 12 Days of Christmas. I’ll be honest, this has not been an easy task! We asked all bubbles to record their version of the song. Mr Gibbon has then spent hours and hours editing all of the individuals videos to mould them into one overall recording — I think he has done an amazing job and I would like to thank Mr Gibbon for the work he has done.
We hope you enjoy it and look forward to welcoming you back next year for our normal week of Christmas cheer.
Have a safe and wonderful Christmas,
The Staff and Children from Pilgrim Academy