Love to learn
Pupils and staff have worked hard across the academy this term – and parents / carers are invited to see what the children have been learning.
We have published our first ‘Love to learn’ newsletter on our website. It can be found on the curriculum tab under Pupil Voice or simply click on this link.
Principal Mrs Clarke said: “The newsletter aims to highlight what has been covered in the curriculum this term at Pilgrim Academy, giving parents a special insight into the classroom.
“We could not speak to every child so individuals were chosen to represent the pupil voice. We hope you agree it is a fair reflection of our diverse community.”
The newsletter includes children’s pictures and articles, with pages linking to short videos from every class, highlighting pupils’ work.
The curriculum, from Early Years to Year 6, is designed to provide a broad and balanced education, crucially adapted to ensure it is accessible to every individual, considering all abilities and additional needs.
“We hope ‘Love to Learn’ shows how staff are fulfilling our aspiration to empower children with knowledge and skills that will enrich their lives and their communities.”
We would love to hear from parents / carers. What do you think of our first @Love to Learn’ newsletter?
Please email, putting Newsletter in the subject area.
In the meantime, pupils, staff and governors, wish our Pilgrim Academy community a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
We look forward to welcoming everybody back on Monday, 6th January.