Great Grimsby’s Viking Journey
In September, children in Key Stage 2 were visited by Vikings, who ran a range of workshops on Viking life.
This was part of a wider project in the region organised by Heritage Lincolnshire, which included a theatrical performance by Time Will Tell Theatre.
Children were amazed to hear about the Viking heritage of the local area and were specifically surprised to hear about how Grimsby inherited its name.
Year 6 teacher, Jordan Gibbon said, ‘This was an enthralling day for all and strengthened the children’s knowledge of the local area.’
They also learnt about the locations Vikings voyaged to, and used secondary sources to learn more about Viking society.
After listening to the fascinating tale of Grim the Viking, children used their superb acting skills to perform parts of the story to their classmates.
Year 6 teacher, Rachel Backhouse said, ‘Most classes in year 5/6 have linked the learning from the workshop to our current historical era, Ancient Greece, drawing comparisons and discussing areas of contrast. In addition, we have recently toured Immingham Docks to further highlight the many wonderful areas Immingham and Grimsby (Viking heritage) are known for.