Academy Rings Out To The Sound Of Bagpipes
Members of Grimsby and District Pipe Band talk to pupils at Pilgrim Academy about their instruments. From left, John Best, piper, Mick Thursby, base drummer, Bryan Coggle, snare drummer, along with children, from front left, Cadey-Mai, 7, Hedi, 6, Lucas, 7, George, 7, Ayse, 6, and Leo, 6.
A project on Scotland was brought to life at Pilgrim Academy by a visit from Grimsby and District Pipe Band who performed a mini outdoor concert. Children in Key Stage One classes, Lyra, Cygnus and Indus, have been discussing the countries that make up the UK, their cities and musical culture.
Mel Portlock, Class Teacher, said: “Key Stage 1 have been learning about the UK and this week we have been thinking about Scotland. We have been thinking about where people live, the cities and the different cultures and, particularly, the different music, which is why we have Mr Best and his band demonstrating their music for us today.”
Piper John Best said the band had really enjoyed their visit to the Academy. “Experiencing the music that is being played makes all the difference to learning,” he said. “The children can see bagpipes and drums being played on the TV but actually to see the band playing in person helps them a lot, and we have had a lot of interest from the children today,” he said.
“Children always ask why we are wearing skirts, it is always the favourite question, but some of them did know it was called a kilt.”
Members of Grimsby and District Pipe Band put on a performance for children at Pilgrim Academy as part of their project on Scotland.
Members of the band get ready to play at Pilgrim Academy. From left, Bryan Coggle, snare drummer, John Best, piper, Mick Thursby, base drummer.
Piper John Best gives an outdoor performance to children at Pilgrim Academy.