Academy Promotes Outdoor Learning With New Woodland Classroom
Early Years children get their first look at the new Woodland Classroom which has just been installed in the wildlife garden at the Academy to promote outdoor learning. Pictured with them (centre) is Andy Clark (Principal of Pilgrim Academy), and Miss Julia Somerscales, Early Years Leader.
A brand new Woodland Classroom will promote outdoor learning at Pilgrim Academy. Pupils of all ages will be able to have lessons in the classroom, which is situated in the middle of the Academy’s wildlife garden.
The weatherproof building means children can take lessons into the garden in all weathers and can study the wildlife and weather conditions from a safe vantage point, with 360-degree views.
Miss Julia Somerscales, Early Years Teacher, said the new classroom will help teachers to encourage more outdoor lessons. “The room has polythene windows which can be rolled up or down and allows us to work outside through the winter as well. The building is dry and warm but has the advantage of being right in the heart of our wildlife garden where we encourage pupils to learn more about nature and wildlife and incorporate that into the curriculum.”
The classroom will be used for a wide variety of learning, including quiet reading sessions and play, and will be available to all year groups. It has been built as part of on-going investment in the Academy by Tollbar Multi Academy Trust.
“Pupils are looking forward to being able to get their wellingtons on and come out here and have lessons even when the weather is not so good,” said Miss Somerscales. “We can go bug hunting in the wildlife garden and then come inside here to discuss what we have found. It is a very welcome addition to the Academy and the children cannot wait to use it.”
Teaching Assistant Michelle Evison reads to Early Years children, Ethan Griffiths, Max Rush, Allie Sparkes and Archie Fisher, in the new Woodland Classroom at Pilgrim Academy.